Hello again my lovelies, I’m happy to be back so soon! As promised, I’ve got more gift guides to share with you for all the ladies in your life. I’ve included lots of items that are perfect for any of the women you know – candles, bedroom slippers, perfume, lotion, teacups, workout items and more. There are definitely lots of affordable options linked below! And even if you don’t find exactly what you are looking for, I hope these gifts will spark other ideas and inspire you to find the perfect gift on your own.

Tips for Buying Romantic Gifts

I’ve included lots of items to help all of you men (and women) find something perfect for the special lady in your life, such as designer handbags and jewelry that ranges from affordable to more pricey. Another great romantic gift is perfume (I love Bombshell by Victoria’s Secret) or the silky robe or satin pajamas I picked out from Victoria’s Secret.

I have a couple tips for you guys who are choosing jewelry and handbags for your girl. Take a look at the jewelry she tends to wear on a regular basis. Look at her style – does she wear big, bold jewelry or dainty, delicate jewelry? Does she wear colorful jewelry or jewelry with a lot of sparkle? Also note whether she regularly wears yellow gold, silver, rose gold or all metal colors. I personally wear yellow gold every day and also on special occasions, and I only wear silver jewelry once or twice a year. So Paul knows that if he gets me silver jewelry, I will rarely get a chance to wear it.

Also take a look at what handbag style she wears. Does she like large bags or small bags? Long straps or short straps? Many women have some of each, but some definitely prefer one or the other. Take a look at the metal on the handbags also. Does she favor silver or gold? Take that into account when choosing a handbag that will go with her style. A white, beige, tan or black bag is always easy to match with anything. See if she tends to wear more of one of those colors.

Finally, if you don’t already know – ask her what size she wears in tops, bottoms, jeans and coats/jackets now, before it gets too close to the holidays. That way if you’re doing last minute shopping on Christmas Eve, you don’t have to ask her at the last second and admit you didn’t buy her gift sooner haha. Then save that list for later so you never have to ask again!

Gifts for Every Woman

I have to admit that most of the items in my gift guides below are pretty girly – and there is a lot of pink and white. I couldn’t help it because those are my two favorite colors and I’m a total girly girl myself. But there are plenty of women in my life who are not into all the super girly stuff like jewelry and high heels. For those women, I would suggest a nice book – possibly a cook book, a candle, a great mug, a fuzzy blanket, a voice activated speaker, uggs, apple air pods or some great sneakers. I have most of those items linked below. Happy shopping lovelies!

Gifts for the Active Girl

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Gifts for the Cozy Girl

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Gifts for the Glam Girl

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Gifts for the Jetsetter Girl

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I hope this helps you find the perfect gifts for your mama, sister, bestie or your special girl! Message me on Insta @lovinglifeinstyle if you need advice on what to buy or what size to get. I’m always happy to help!